Kerala PSC Blood Bank technician Grade II Medical Education Department (031/2020) Mock Test

    Kerala PSC Blood Bank technician Grade II Medical Education Department (031/2020) Mock Test

    The maximum mark of the exam is 96. Each question carries a +1 mark and there is a negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer. The duration of the exam is 75 minutes. After this time your attended Exam answers submitted automatically whether you’re finished or not. The countdown timer in the top of the screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination.


    The duration of the exam is 75 minutes.

    Blood Bank Technician Grade II (031/2020)

    1 / 96

    1. The process of formation of glucose from lactate is called as

    2 / 96

    2. Presence of protein in a sample of urine is detected by

    3 / 96

    3. Optimal levels of LDL Cholesterol is

    4 / 96

    4. Clearance of a substance is given by the formulae

    5 / 96

    5. According to Beer’s law, concentration of analyte in a solution is directly proportional to

    6 / 96

    6. To prepare 10mI of 6N HCI, the volume of concentrated HCl required is (Normality
    of Conc.HCl is 12)

    7 / 96

    7. The ideal blood collection tube for Glucose estimation is

    8 / 96

    8. Serum Total Protein of a 55 yr. old male is 6g/dl, ‘Serum Albumin is 3g/dl. A/G ratio is

    9 / 96

    9. When subjected to urine aminogram, the solvent front was 6 cm and solute front was
    5 cm, the Rf Value is

    10 / 96

    10. Glass Cuvettes must not be cleaned with

    11 / 96

    11. Which of these is not a method for estimating blood glucose ?

    12 / 96

    12. The co-factor required for transamination reactions is

    13 / 96

    13. Bile salts and Bile pigments in urine are seen in

    14 / 96

    14. When a molecule absorbs light at one wavelength and reemits light at a longer
    wavelength it is called

    15 / 96

    15. Following were the lipid profile results of a 45 yr. old male

    Serum Triglyceride-150mg/dl
    Serum Total Cholesterol-200mg/dl
    Serum HDL Cholesterol-40mg/dl
    The Serum LDL Cholesterol of this man is

    16 / 96

    16. If the Blood urea of a patient is 85.6, then Blood urea Nitrogen would be

    17 / 96

    17. The correct order of draw of blood sample is

    18 / 96

    18. The specific gravity of an Urine sample was found to be 1.005 at 30°C. After correcting
    for temperature the specific gravity of the sample would be

    19 / 96

    19. Transporting of blood sample in icepack is required for the estimation of

    20 / 96

    20. VLDL should not be calculated if serum triglyceride is greater than

    21 / 96

    21. All of these are properties of an ideal quality control sample except

    22 / 96

    22. Which of the following is a Gram positive bacteria ?

    23 / 96

    23. Disinfection removes _____ from the surface or medium.

    24 / 96

    24. All the following discs are used to test Antibiotic sensitivity for Pseudomonas

    25 / 96

    25. What is the rate of HIV transmission by a contaminated needle prick ?

    26 / 96

    26. Which of the following is an agglutination test ?

    27 / 96

    27. Which of the following is an anaerobic culture method ?

    28 / 96

    28. The protective HBV antibody level is

    29 / 96

    29. MIC of an antibiotic can be tested by

    30 / 96

    30. Bile aesculin test is to

    31 / 96

    31. Which of the following is not a transport medium ?

    32 / 96

    32. All the following features are shown by enterobacteriaceae except

    33 / 96

    33. The best way to collect sputum sample for Mycobacterium culture and microscopy

    34 / 96

    34. Which is true for STS (Standard Tests for Syphilis) ?

    35 / 96

    35. The primary diagnosis of HIV is done by

    36 / 96

    36. Which of the following is characteristic of hookworm egg ?

    37 / 96

    37. To prepare 1% hypochlorite, how much of bleaching powder is to be added to 1 litre
    of water ?

    38 / 96

    38. As per Biomedical waste management guidelines, the blood bag after use is to be
    discarded in bucket with ____ colour.

    39 / 96

    39. Standard precautions include all except

    40 / 96

    40. Tyndallisation is a method of sterilization using

    41 / 96

    41. Which of the following is an enriched media for Salmonella species ?

    42 / 96

    42. Select the organism which is oxidase test negative.

    43 / 96

    43. Which of the following antibiotic disc is used to identify MRSA ?

    44 / 96

    44. Pick up the lactose fermenting bacteria from the following.

    45 / 96

    45. The peripheral smear of a clinically suspected case of malaria shows intra erythrocytic,
    multiple ring forms and some of the rings show multiple nuclei also. Which is the
    most probable species ?

    46 / 96

    46. Cryptococcus neoformans is

    47 / 96

    47. Bombay blood group is seen in blood group type

    48 / 96

    48. Rh HDN occurs in

    49 / 96

    49. Direct Coombs test positive means Coombs serum has bound to

    50 / 96

    50. Copper sulphate in blood bank is used to screen for

    51 / 96

    51. Anticoagulant used in blood bank is

    52 / 96

    52. Febrile reaction occurs in transfusion reaction due to

    53 / 96

    53. Indications for FFP

    54 / 96

    54. On high speed centrifuging of blood we obtain

    55 / 96

    55. Positive Coombs test means we get

    56 / 96

    56. AII are transfusion transmitted hepatitis except

    57 / 96

    57. Formalin fixative used in histopathology is

    58 / 96

    58. Technique used in decalcification are all except

    59 / 96

    59. Tissue section is cut in histopathology using

    60 / 96

    60. Formalin pigment is

    61 / 96

    61. Steps in automated tissue processor are all except

    62 / 96

    62. Frozen section is done in tissue received in

    63 / 96

    63. Fixative used in cytology is

    64 / 96

    64. Commonly used stain in cytology is

    65 / 96

    65. Van Gieson stain is used to demonstrate

    66 / 96

    66. PAS stain is used to demonstrate

    67 / 96

    67. Cells without nucleus in blood are

    68 / 96

    68. Hemoglobin is composed of

    69 / 96

    69. At which stage of RBC development hemoglobin first appears in the cell ?

    70 / 96

    70. The cell in which Barr body counted is

    71 / 96

    71. Myeloid stem cell gives rise to all except

    72 / 96

    72. Cell producing platelets are

    73 / 96

    73. Reagent used for sickling test is

    74 / 96

    74. Pathology of thalassemia is

    75 / 96

    75. Pernicious anaemia is a specific type of

    76 / 96

    76. Hereditary spherocytosis is due to

    77 / 96

    77. Cell increased in acute leukemia is

    78 / 96

    78. Cell increased in multiple myeloma is

    79 / 96

    79. Prothrombin time measures the abnormality in

    80 / 96

    80. Partial thromboplastin time measures the status of

    81 / 96

    81. The anticoagulant used for ESR estimation is sodium

    82 / 96

    82. The anticoagulant used for osmotic fragility is

    83 / 96

    83. Hematocrit means

    84 / 96

    84. Leishman stain is used to stain

    85 / 96

    85. Westergrens pipette is used to estimate

    86 / 96

    86. LE cell preparation is done to demonstrate

    87 / 96

    87. Test for blood in urine is

    88 / 96

    88. Casts in urine are

    89 / 96

    89. Specific test for glucose in urine is

    90 / 96

    90. Glycosuria means urine contains

    91 / 96

    91. Compared to exudates the transudate would have

    92 / 96

    92. CSF fluid processing can be delayed upto

    93 / 96

    93. Methods to concentrate the fluid specimen while processing are all except

    94 / 96

    94. Quality of Sputum smear report depends on

    95 / 96

    95. Stool occult blood test is indicated in all except

    96 / 96

    96. Time required for fixation of cytology smears is

    Blood Bank Technician Grade II (031/2020)

    5/5 (1 Review)

    Kerala PSC Blood Bank technician Exam 2020 mock test Kerala PSC Blood Bank technician Exam Mock Test 2020 All Kerala· Practice Previous Question Papers Based Mock Test 2020

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