Kerala PSC Divisional Accountant (11/2017) Mock Test

    Kerala PSC Divisional Accountant (11/2017) Mock Test

    The maximum mark of the exam is 100. Each question carries a +1 mark and there is a negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer. The duration of the exam is 75 minutes. After this time your attended Exam answers submitted automatically whether you’re finished or not. The countdown timer in the top of the screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination.


    The duration of the exam is 75 minutes.

    ACCOUNTANT 11/2017

    1 / 100

    1. The constitution of India adopted the idea of Directive Principles of State Policy from the constitution of

    2 / 100

    2. Which is not among the Fundamental Rights?

    3 / 100

    3. Who is the highest law officer of India?

    4 / 100

    4. Expand KELSA

    5 / 100

    5. First Digital State in India is

    6 / 100

    6. The International Day for the Elimination of violence against women is

    7 / 100

    7. Litho printing in Kerala was introduced by the protestant missionary

    8 / 100

    8. Name the Social Reformer who has founded Jathinashini Sabha through which he promoted inter-caste marriage in Kerala

    9 / 100

    9. The Temple Entry Proclamation was issued in the year

    10 / 100

    10. The Founder of Swadeshabhimani Newspaper was

    11 / 100

    11. The novel written by C.V. Raman Pillai

    12 / 100

    12. The woman, who is famous through the 'Rajadhani March' to Kaudiyar Palace

    13 / 100

    13. Who founded common wells called "Munthirikkinar" for people from all castes?

    14 / 100

    14. Kallumala Agitation associated with

    15 / 100

    15. Who is known as "Kerala Vyasa"?

    16 / 100

    16. 'Beti Bachao' 'Beti Padhao' scheme has been launched in India in

    17 / 100

    17. The master gland of human body is

    18 / 100

    18. The European country associated with BREXIT

    19 / 100

    19. The Malayalam poet who bagged Asan Smaraka Award 2016 is

    20 / 100

    20. The 12th person among the Chief Ministers of Kerala is

    21 / 100

    21. _____ are the cost of either a single process or a series of processes that simultaneously produce two or more products of significant relative sales value.

    22 / 100

    22. _____ costs are not traceable to any plant, department, and operation or to any individual final product.

    23 / 100

    23. ____ is the production that fails to meet quality or dimensional requirements and hence has to be
    disposed of without further processing.

    24 / 100

    24. If normal usage of raw material is 110 per day, minimum usage is 50 per day, maximum usage is 140 per day, and lead time is 25 to 35 days, the minimum stock level is ____.

    25 / 100

    25. ______ is a form of specific order costing which applies where work is undertaken to customer's special
    requirements and each order is of short term duration.

    26 / 100

    26. In contract costing retention money is the difference between work certified and ____.

    27 / 100

    27. Process account is credited with the scrap value of ____.

    28 / 100

    28. Under marginal costing, contribution is

    29 / 100

    29. Material usage variance is a combination of ____.

    30 / 100

    30. ____ is a method of budgeting where no reference is made to previous level of expenditure.

    31 / 100

    31. ______ is a subsidiary objective of Auditing.

    32 / 100

    32. Goods purchased for Rs.10,000 is recorded in purchases day book as Rs.1,000 is a ____ type of error.

    33 / 100

    33. Scheduling dates for interim and year end audit procedures is a goal of ____.

    34 / 100

    34. Mistakes and Errors detected are recorded in ______.

    35 / 100

    35. ____ is an arrangement of duties allocated in such a way that the work of one person is automatically checked by another.

    36 / 100

    36. _____ is an investigation of business from the highest level downward in order to ascertain whether
    sound management prevails throughout the company.

    37 / 100

    37. When the auditor is satisfied with the fairness of the balance sheet and profit and loss account, he will give a _____ report.

    38 / 100

    38. On completion of Annual Audit the auditor's report is issued on ______.

    39 / 100

    39. ______ is the owner of Working Papers in a company audit.

    40 / 100

    40. _____ audits the books of accounts of government companies as per the Companies Act.

    41 / 100

    41. The job of figuring out the ways and means of financing investment projects is _____ decision.

    42 / 100

    42. The process of _____ is used for calculating the Present Value of a cash flow.

    43 / 100

    43. _____ investors have a claim on residual cash flows of the firm.

    44 / 100

    44. ____ leverage arises from the firm's fixed costs such as salaries, depreciation, insurance etc.

    45 / 100

    45. When inventories and receivables are supported by credit provided by suppliers and the customers pay in advance then a firm cash have a _____ Working Capital.

    46 / 100

    46. ____ is a non-discounting criteria to judge the worthwhileness of investment projects.

    47 / 100

    47. When 'Profit after tax' is divided by 'book value of assets', we get _______.

    48 / 100

    48. A rights issue of capital to the existing shareholders through a Letter of Offer is made in the first instance to the existing shareholders on a ____ basis.

    49 / 100

    49. The reason for Equity Buy Back can be ___.

    50 / 100

    50. Bonds that have a credit rating of BB or lower by Standard and Poor's and Ba or lower by Moody's are referred to as ______ Bonds.

    51 / 100

    51. As per Section 5, incidence of tax on a taxpayer depends on:

    I. His residential status.
    II. The place and time of accrual or receipt of income.

    52 / 100

    52. For an NRI, Foreign Income is

    53 / 100

    53. Loss under the head of "Capital Gains"

    54 / 100

    54. GST stands for

    55 / 100

    55. The remuneration received by people like doctors, architects, lawyers etc. from their clients is treated under the head

    56 / 100

    56. ______ is any casual emolument fee or profit attached to an office or position in addition to salary or

    57 / 100

    57. If an asset transferred without consideration is again transferred by the transferee. the resultant gain or loss is clubbed with the income of

    58 / 100

    58. Business losses cannot be set off against any income except

    59 / 100

    59. Voluntary return is filled under section

    60 / 100

    60. Ex-parte assessment is also called

    61 / 100

    61. The balance in the Shares Forfeited Account is transferred to ____.

    62 / 100

    62. The Sinking Fund Account is finally closed by transferring the balance to _____.

    63 / 100

    63. Which of the following do not amount to appropriation of profit?

    64 / 100

    64. Any profit on realization of assets at the time of amalgamation is transferred to _____.

    65 / 100

    65. Depreciation account is given in _____

    66 / 100

    66. The amount set aside for unrealized profit on stock is called _____.

    67 / 100

    67. If the goods are invoiced at 25% an cost price, it means ______ on selling price.

    68 / 100

    68. The creditors turnover ratio is obtained by dividing the Net Credit Annual Purchases by

    69 / 100

    69. An increase in current liabilities ______ the working capital.

    70 / 100

    70. The Accounting Standards Board (ASB) came to existence in the year

    71 / 100

    71. RTGS stands for ____.

    72 / 100

    72. The right of the banker to retain all the properties of the debtor is called ______.

    73 / 100

    73. Which of the following is not a Nationalised bank?

    74 / 100

    74. CRR stands for _____.

    75 / 100

    75. RBI Act came into force in

    76 / 100

    76. SPNS stands for ____.

    77 / 100

    77. Which of the following is not a property insurance?

    78 / 100

    78. The principle of 'Causa Proxima' in insurance business means

    79 / 100

    79. The Life Insurance Corporation Act came into effect in the year

    80 / 100

    80. Which of the following is not a fundamental principle of insurance contract?

    81 / 100

    81. DDB stands for ____.

    82 / 100

    82. In the call money market, the period for which a loan is granted shall not exceed

    83 / 100

    83. Which of the following is not a Money market instrument?

    84 / 100

    84. Equity shares issued by a company to its employees or directors, at a discount, for providing know-how is called _____.

    85 / 100

    85. Security merchants dealing in shares and debentures as independent operators are called

    86 / 100

    86. Bombay Stock Exchange was established in the year ____.

    87 / 100

    87. SEBI Act came into force in the year ____.

    88 / 100

    88. The first stock exchange in India was set up in _____.

    89 / 100

    89. Regulations governing Mutual Funds are being issued by _____.

    90 / 100

    90. Mutual funds attracting foreign savings for investment in India is called

    91 / 100

    91. TCP stands for _____

    92 / 100

    92. Which of the following is not an electronic fund transfer method?

    93 / 100

    93. Use of computers and communication technology for management of information is called

    94 / 100

    94. Which of the following is not a component of DSS?

    95 / 100

    95. The technique of Group Decision Making in which there is no formal meeting of participants is called ______.

    96 / 100

    96. A group of cells in an Excel workbook is called ______.

    97 / 100

    97. Which of the following is a Database function in Excel?

    98 / 100

    98. DDL stands for _____.

    99 / 100

    99. Which of the following is not a Data Mining technology?

    100 / 100

    100. Which of the following is a tool used for arranging and storing information about data maintained in the database?

    ACCOUNTANT 11/2017

    5/5 (1 Review)

    Kerala PSC Divisional Accountant Exam 2017 mock test Kerala PSC Divisional Accountant Exam Mock Test 2017 All Kerala· Practice Previous Question Papers Based Mock Test 2017

    5/5 (1 Review)

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