Kerala PSC Fireman Station Officer (Trainee)-fire and Rescue Services (80-2015) Mock Test

    Kerala PSC Fireman Station Officer (Trainee)-fire and Rescue Services (80-2015) Mock Test

    The maximum mark of the exam is 87. Each question carries a +1 mark and there is a negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer. The duration of the exam is 75 minutes. After this time your attended Exam answers submitted automatically whether you’re finished or not. The countdown timer in the top of the screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination.


    The duration of the exam is 75 minutes.

    FIREMAN 80-2015

    1 / 87

    1. When a cylinder is twisted, the internal couple of forces developed within it due to elasticity
    is called:

    2 / 87

    2. In a diesel engine the working substance is:

    3 / 87

    3. When a charged particle moves through magnetic field, the force acting on it is called:

    4 / 87

    4. In electronics, the device used to convert A.C power to D.C power is:

    5 / 87

    5. In Newton's rings arrangement, the radius of curvature of the lens is 1 m. 10th and 15th dark
    fringes have diameter 0.45cm and 0.56cm respectively. The wavelength of light used to
    illuminate is

    6 / 87

    6. The light is guided in an optical fiber is on the principal of :

    7 / 87

    7. In communication system, the type of modulation which is not widely used in radio and TV
    transmission is:

    8 / 87

    8. The apparent weight of a person in a freely falling elevator is:

    9 / 87

    9. The existence of which elementary particle was confirmed by the data from Large Hadron
    Collider LHC in 2013?

    10 / 87

    10. According to Theory of Relativity the time interval measured in a frame moving with very
    high speed is:

    11 / 87

    11. The value of velocity of sound in air is:

    12 / 87

    12. In LASERs, if N1 , is number of atoms in ground level and N2 that in higher energy level, the
    population inversion is achieved when:

    13 / 87

    13. A pencil is viewed through a calcite crystal. Two images are seen. The cause of this
    phenomenon is:

    14 / 87

    14. In radioactivity, the radiation which is produced by the transformation of particles in the
    nucleus is :

    15 / 87

    15. The part of electromagnetic radiation with smallest wavelength is:

    16 / 87

    16. A gaseous plant hormone is:

    17 / 87

    17. Palynology is the study of:

    18 / 87

    18. When stomata open, guard cells are:

    19 / 87

    19. Histogen theory was proposed by :

    20 / 87

    20. In Lamiaceae, the androecium is:

    21 / 87

    21. The source of O2 is liberated in photosynthesis is:

    22 / 87

    22. Edible part of mango is :

    23 / 87

    23. In angiosperms, functional megaspore develops into:

    24 / 87

    24. The endosperm of gymnosperm is:

    25 / 87

    25. Polyploidy can be induced with the help of:

    26 / 87

    26. Algal zone of coralloid root of Cycas generally has:

    27 / 87

    27. Agar is extracted from the members of:

    28 / 87

    28. The individual unit of perianth is:

    29 / 87

    29. What is the role of kidney in mammals?

    30 / 87

    30. Hormone Vasopressin helps:

    31 / 87

    31. Which of the following statement is correct for a pathogen?

    32 / 87

    32. Select the most accepted sequence in human evolution:

    33 / 87

    33. Convergent evolution will result in:

    34 / 87

    34. Organ transplanted individuals are given drugs to minimize the rejection of transplanted
    organs. How do these drugs work?

    35 / 87

    35. What is the major difference between active and passive transport?

    36 / 87

    36. The number of sex chromosomes that a human female can inherit from mother is

    37 / 87

    37. T-Lymphocytes are part of:

    38 / 87

    38. Sericulture is associated with:

    39 / 87

    39. Proteins that are designed to be exported outside of the cell are synthesized on/in:

    40 / 87

    40. Which of the following is our National Animal?

    41 / 87

    41. Good Ozone is found in:

    42 / 87

    42. A person with sickle cell anaemia has advantages over the disease:

    43 / 87

    43. Which group of animals belongs to the same phylum?

    44 / 87

    44. The slope of the curve y= 1/X atx =1 equals:

    45 / 87

    45. The value of sinh^-1 1 using logarithm is:

    46 / 87

    46. The order of the largest square sub matrix whose determinant is not zero is called:

    47 / 87

    47. The integrating factor of the differential equation dy/dx + y tan x= x/3:

    48 / 87

    48. ldentify the function which when differentiate or integrate is unaltered:

    49 / 87

    49. The value of 1/x^1000 when x=1 is:

    50 / 87

    50. _____ is a non reducing sugar.

    51 / 87

    51. ______ is used particularly to test the adulteration of butter

    52 / 87

    52. Poly styrene is ____ polymer.

    53 / 87

    53. Hypo is:

    54 / 87

    54. Bond order of zero indicates:

    55 / 87

    55. Which of the following molecule has zero dipole moment?

    56 / 87

    56. The permanent displacement of shared electron pairs in a carbon chain towards the more
    electronegative group is _____ effect.

    57 / 87

    57. General Formula of alkyne series is:

    58 / 87

    58. Red Lead is:

    59 / 87

    59. Lead present in silver is removed by:

    60 / 87

    60. ____ is the purest form of carbon.

    61 / 87

    61. _____ is a measure of the heat content of the reactants compared to products

    62 / 87

    62. Acidity of sodium bicarbonate is:

    63 / 87

    63. Secondary Standard is:

    64 / 87

    64. DDT is:

    65 / 87

    65. The number of vibrational degrees of freedom of CO molecule is:

    66 / 87

    66. Which of the following regarding 3d orbital is correct?

    67 / 87

    67. The hybridization of Be in BeCl2 molecule is:

    68 / 87

    68. Butter is an example of____ type colloid.

    69 / 87

    69. Who was the founder of "Samathua Samajam"?

    70 / 87

    70. Who is the author of the work "Jathikummi"?

    71 / 87

    71. Who wrote "Kudiyozhikkel?

    72 / 87

    72. Channar agitation come to an end under the direction of the Madras governor:

    73 / 87

    73. Point out the importance of the satellite 'Meghatropics' in relation to its field of study:

    74 / 87

    74. Vakhan Pass exists in which country?

    75 / 87

    75. Which is the major reason for global warming?

    76 / 87

    76. Barmuda Triangle belongs to which ocean:

    77 / 87

    77. Which country controls the military camp 'Diagogartia'?

    78 / 87

    78. Who is the Indian citizen, who reached the north pole and the south pole?

    79 / 87

    79. Author of the work "Long walk to Freedom" :

    80 / 87

    80. Which is supposed to be the reason for the death of Yaser Arafath?

    81 / 87

    81. Who is the first Indian woman to be appointed to the post of right to information commissioner?

    82 / 87

    82. The project 'Obama Care' is related to

    83 / 87

    83. Which British Prime Minister expressed regrets on the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy?

    84 / 87

    84. Which country gave political asylum to Edward Snoden?

    85 / 87

    85. 'Burgegaleefa' is situated in which city?

    86 / 87

    86. Who is the leader of the protest movement against Kudamkulam nuclear reactor project?

    87 / 87

    87. Who is the only Indian woman to be appointed to the post of Chief Election Commissioner?

    FIREMAN 80-2015

    5/5 (1 Review)

    Kerala PSC Fireman Station Officer Exam 2015 mock test Kerala PSC Fireman Station Officer Exam Mock Test 2015 All Kerala· Practice Previous Question Papers Based Mock Test 2015.

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