Kerala PSC Jr. Health Inspector Gr. II (011/2021) Exam Mock Test

    Kerala PSC Jr. Health Inspector Gr. II (011/2021) Question Mock Test

    The maximum mark of the exam is 100. Each question carries a +1 mark and there is a negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer. The duration of the exam is 75 minutes. After this time your attended Exam answers submitted automatically whether you’re finished or not. The countdown timer in the top of the screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination.


    The duration of the exam is 75 minutes.

    Jr. Health Inspector Gr. II (011/2021)

    1 / 100

    1. The true nerve of hearing which is the portion of auditory nerve

    2 / 100

    2. The average life span of RBC

    3 / 100

    3. The organ in which the grey matter can be seen in the form of letter 'H'.

    4 / 100

    4. The hormone that stimulates the formation of spermatozoa in testes of males.

    5 / 100

    5. The pacemaker of heart

    6 / 100

    6. The specially altered sweat glands in the skin of ear

    7 / 100

    7. The volume of air that can be passed in and out of lungs by forcible inspiration and expiration

    8 / 100

    8. The area which receives images and impressions for interpretation in the occipital lobe of cerebrum

    9 / 100

    9. The insensible water loss which is a simple diffusion of water through skin

    10 / 100

    10. A person with blood group A can receive blood of the following blood groups.

    11 / 100

    11. Which of the following statement is/are correct about Teeth-hygiene?
    (i) Periodontal disease is the commonest cause of tooth loss.
    (ii)Enamel can repair by itself
    (iii) Dental plaque is protecting teeth from caries.
    (iv) Halitosis is the term for bad breath.

    12 / 100

    12. The following are 'essential' amino acids, except
    (i) Phenylalanine
    (ii) Threonine
    (11) Methionine
    (iv) Valine

    13 / 100

    13. Which of the following statement is/are wrong about vitamins?
    (i) Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) deficiency results in Beriberi.
    (ii) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) deficiency results in Pellagra.
    (iii) Vitamin B12 deficiency results in Pernicious Anemia.
    (iv) Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is essential for wound healing.

    14 / 100

    14. Which of the following tests are used to assess the quality of pasteurized milk?
    (i) Phosphatase test
    (ii) Standard plate count
    (iii) Shick test
    (iv) Coliform count

    15 / 100

    15. Which of the following bacteria are gram negative ?
    (i) Pneumococci
    (ii) Gonococci
    (iii) Meningococci
    (iv) Streptococci

    16 / 100

    16. Which of the following methods of sterilization are working using the technique of dry heat?
    (i) Hot air oven
    (ii) Autoclave
    (iii) Incinerator
    (iv) Hospital sterilizer

    17 / 100

    17. Which of the following statement is/are correct about functions of Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD) in a hospital?
    (i) Supply of sterile linen for operation theatre
    (ii) Supply of potable drinking water
    (iii) Supply of oxygen gas for operation theatre
    (iv) Disinfection of equipments such as ventilators

    18 / 100

    18. Which of the following statements are wrong about different types of infection?
    (i) First infection by a parasite is known as primary infection
    (ii) The infection caused by a parasite in a patient suffering from a disease caused by another parasite is known as cross infection
    (iii) Hospital Acquired infection is known as endogenous infection
    (iv) Infection in a particular organ is called focal infection.

    19 / 100

    19. Which of the following is not a zoonotic disease?

    20 / 100

    20. Which of the following drugs are used to treat Covid-19?
    (i) Dexamethasone
    (ii) Favipiravir
    (iii) Remdesivir
    (iv) Tocilizumab

    21 / 100

    21. The state of semi unconsciousness in which casualty responds to external stimuli or loud noise.

    22 / 100

    22. The condition in which the blood is coughed out mixed with air or sputum

    23 / 100

    23. The condition in which the blood is coughed out mixed with air or sputum

    24 / 100

    24. The first aid for fractures includes the following group
    (i) Avoid all unnecessary movements
    (ii) Reduce the fracture and bring bones to normal position
    (iii) Apply splints
    (iv) Prevent infection

    25 / 100

    25. Expand OCHA

    26 / 100

    26. A person who met a motor bike accident has a spinal fracture. He is unable to sit and stand following injury. This inability can be termed as.

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    27. Rehabilitation in which restoration of capacity to earn livelihood is aimed.

    28 / 100

    28. The World Disaster Reduction Day is observed on

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    29. A victim of drowning is rescued. In order to drain out water from the body, the following first aid measures should be taken, except

    30 / 100

    30. When a flood is over, the instruction to be followed is

    31 / 100

    31. Which is the right option regarding health problems associated with Obesity?
    I Obesity can lead to gall bladder diseases and sleep apnea
    II It moderately increases the risk of osteoarthritis and gout
    III There is slightly increased risk of breast, endometrial and colon cancers in obese persons

    32 / 100

    32. Read the statements and choose the correct option regarding accidents and injury prevention
    I Safety helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 30% and fatalities by 40%
    II There should be a basic reporting system of all accidents
    III Drugs such as barbiturates, amphetamines and cannabis can improve the diver's concentration ability

    33 / 100

    33. Which is the correct option regarding causes of childhood blindness ?
    I Leading causes are Xerophthalmia, Congenital cataract, and Congenital glaucoma
    II Other causes include uncorrected refractive errors, optic atrophy and retinopathy due to prematurity

    34 / 100

    34. Pick the right option after reading the statements on geriatrics
    I The 3 major ailments reported by elderly persons are visual impairment, locomotive disorders and neurological complaints
    II Biological age of an elderly person is identical with his chronological :

    35 / 100

    35. Read the following statements about non modifiable risk factors of Hypertension:
    I Blood pressure increases with age in both sexes.
    II Children of hypertensive parents have 45% chance of developing hypertension
    III Population studies have shown that blood pressure is higher in white ethnic communities.

    36 / 100

    36. Which is the right option related to maternal diabetes?
    I Offsprings of diabetic pregnancies including gestational diabetes are often small babies
    II Offsprings of diabetic pregnancies including gestational diabetes often tend to develop obesity in childhood
    III Children born to mothers after they developed diabetes have a 3 fold higher risk of developing diabetes than those born before

    37 / 100

    37. Choose the correct option related to proper bio-medical waste management
    I Waste items in yellow bag are treated by autoclaving
    II Waste items in black bag are disposed in secured land fill

    38 / 100

    38. Regarding Stroke, which is correct?
    I Transient Ischemic attacks (TIA) are episodes of irreversible focal and neurological deficit lasting for more than 24 hours
    II First priority in stroke prevention goes to control of arterial hypertension
    III Previously it was considered as an inevitable part of aging, focus is now on primary prevention through community activation

    39 / 100

    39. Which is true considering tobacco use and cancers ?
    I Worldwide, cigarette smoking is responsible for more than one million premature deaths each year
    II Tobacco use leads to cancer of larynx, bladder, pancreas

    40 / 100

    40. Which is the correct option?
    I According to WHO a healthy person aged 18 to 64 years should try to achieve 50 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activities every week
    II Physical activities also include leisure time activities like dancing, playing and gardening

    41 / 100

    41. Public Health concept born in

    42 / 100

    42. Which of the following disease is caused by Bacteria?

    43 / 100

    43. The concept of Primary Health care came into lime light at a conference held at

    44 / 100

    44. Identify the correct combination below providing primary health care services in India.
    (i) Sub Centres
    (ii) Primary Health Centres
    (iii) Community Health Centres
    (iv) Rural Hospitals

    45 / 100

    45. Vasectomized persons should be advised not to lift heavy objects or ride bicycles for _____ days after the operation.

    46 / 100

    46. The day on which the World Health Organization came into force.

    47 / 100

    47. The system of Registration of Births & Deaths in India is far from satisfactory due to-
    (identify the right combination below)
    (i) Lack of Uniformity
    (ii) Lack of Completeness
    (iii) Lack of Accuracy
    (iv) Ignorance of People

    48 / 100

    48. Eligible Couple means-

    49 / 100

    49. The Tag line of World Health Day 2020.

    50 / 100

    50. Dosage of TT-1 for a woman in early pregnancy is

    51 / 100

    51. In excreta disposal, Effluent forms in
    (i) Septic Tank
    (ii) Sewage treatment plant
    (iii) Oxidation pond

    52 / 100

    52. Average amount of sewage which flows through the sewage system in 24 hours
    (i) Average scum flow
    (ii) Average sewage flow
    (iii) Dry weather flow

    53 / 100

    53. Back washing process introduced with
    (i) Slow sand filter
    (ii) Rapid sand filter
    (iii) Grit chamber

    54 / 100

    54. Heart of sewage treatment plant
    (i) Sedimentation tank
    (ii) Trickling filter
    (iii) Aeration tank

    55 / 100

    55. Method for refuse disposal
    (i) Dumping
    (ii) Sanitary land fill
    (iii) Manure pits

    56 / 100

    56. Estimated volume of water in one cubic metre of a well
    (i) 1000 litres
    (ii) 10000 litres
    (iii) 100 litres

    57 / 100

    57. Different name of oxidation pond
    (i) Waste stabilization pond
    (ii) Redox pond
    (iii) Sewage lagoons

    58 / 100

    58. Commonly using larvicides for chemical control
    (i) Mineral oils
    (i) Malathion
    (iii) Lindane

    59 / 100

    59. Heart of the slow sand filter
    (i) Vital layer
    (ii) Zoogleal layer
    (iii) Biological layer

    60 / 100

    60. The disease associated with rodents
    (i) Salmonillosis
    (ii) Plague
    (iii) Leishmaniasis

    61 / 100

    61. In communication "Technical Know-how" is

    62 / 100

    62. Television is an example of

    63 / 100

    63. Cognitive level of communication is based on

    64 / 100

    64. Public Health Act is _______ approach in Health Education.

    65 / 100

    65. The concept of 'Microteaching' put forward by

    66 / 100

    66. The process of "Sociometry' was put forward by

    67 / 100

    67. Individual Methods' in health communication is

    68 / 100

    68. ______ consist of series of meetings.

    69 / 100

    69. Expand DAVP

    70 / 100

    70. In Communication "the Cone of Experience" theory put forward by

    71 / 100

    71. Expand 'MBO".

    72 / 100

    72. In POSDCORB", 'D' means

    73 / 100

    73. "Determining what is to be done" is

    74 / 100

    74. PERT is a ______ technique.

    75 / 100

    75. The Fourteen Principles of Management put forward by

    76 / 100

    Panchayathi Raj Bill adopted by Parliament in 1992 by ______ amendment.

    77 / 100

    77. Panchayathi Raj System initially introduced in

    78 / 100

    78. In Covid-19 Awareness Campaign "SMS" means

    79 / 100

    79. In India "The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act" enacted in

    80 / 100

    80. The Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 amended on

    81 / 100

    81. Name the Swiss Psychiatrist who divided personalities into two types extrovert and introvert.

    82 / 100

    82. Which of the following is obtained by dividing the mental age by chronological age and multiplying by 100?

    83 / 100

    83. Instead of accepting failure and correcting himself, the individual tries to make excuses and justifies his behaviour. What is it ?

    84 / 100

    84. To prepare couple for child birth and child rearing

    85 / 100

    85. An individual is faced with problems, he employs certain ways to achieve health, happiness or success.

    86 / 100

    86. The social group determined by geographical boundaries and/or common values and interests

    87 / 100

    87. Condition in which the patient pre-occupied with fears of having serious disease

    88 / 100

    88. The family consists of the married couple and their children

    89 / 100

    89. Mental Disease descend over from one generation to the other

    90 / 100

    90. Name the fundamental right that explains the child labour is an offence

    91 / 100

    91. Which is the correct statement?
    I In Hookworm infection, reservoir is man and source of infection is contaminated soil.
    II In Tetanus, reservoir and source are the same that is, soil.

    92 / 100

    92. Read the statements about types of vaccines:
    I Hepatitis A Vaccine is a killed type vaccine
    II Hepatitis B and HPV are Toxoid vaccines
    III BCG and Rotavirus vaccines are Live attenuated vaccines

    93 / 100

    93. Regarding Fixed Dose combination, choose the right option:
    I In DOTS, medicines are now prepared in fixed dose combinations that reduces the number of tablets to be consumed
    II Instead of alternate day regimen, TB patients taking FDC are switched to a daily regimen

    94 / 100

    94. Which is the correct statement regarding ORS?
    I Composition of Trisodium citrate dehydrate in reduced osmolarity ORS is 4.5 g/L
    II At home it can be prepared by mixing 6 teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of sugar in one litre of water
    III After each loose stool, children under 2 years of age should be given 50 to 100 ml of ORS

    (D) *

    95 / 100

    95. During the first visit of a 9 month old infant, if her mother permits only one injection, which one should be given?

    96 / 100

    96. Pick the correct option associated with H1N1 Influenza infection
    I Inactivated vaccine is administered as a single dose intramuscular injection in the upper arm
    II Live attenuated vaccines are given via nasal spray
    III Category A patients are at high risk as they have the most severe respiratory symptom

    97 / 100

    97. Choose the correct option
    I Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum
    II Whooping cough is caused by Haemophilus ducreyi
    III Lymphatic Filariasis is caused by Wuchereria bancrofti

    98 / 100

    98. Read and choose the correct option:
    I Herd immunity can protect the individual in case of Tetanus
    II Herd immunity is maintained and stepped up by immunization programme

    99 / 100

    99. Which is the correct statement about acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) and polio ?
    I Reporting of all cases of AFP in children under 5 years of age is mandatory
    II Polio vaccine should be stored at sub-zero temperature to prevent inactivation
    III Doses of OPV during PPI are extra doses which supplement and do not replace the doses received during routine immunization service

    100 / 100

    100. Which is the correct option related to IDSP?

    Jr. Health Inspector Gr. II (011/2021)

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    Kerala PSC Jr. Health Inspector Gr. II (011/2021) question mock test. Kerala PSC Jr. Health Inspector Gr. II (011/2021) Exam Mock Test· Previous Question Papers Based Mock Test.

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