Kerala PSC Junior Public Health Nurse (106/2021) Mock Test

    Kerala PSC Junior Public Health Nurse (106/2021) Mock Test

    The maximum mark of the exam is 100. Each question carries a +1 mark and there is a negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer. The duration of the exam is 75 minutes. After this time your attended Exam answers submitted automatically whether you’re finished or not. The countdown timer in the top of the screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination.


    The duration of the exam is 75 minutes.

    Junior Public Health Nurse (106/2021)

    1 / 100

    1. The goal of every human being is to achieve:

    2 / 100

    2. For the community diagnosis and community treatment, the entire community is considered as:

    3 / 100

    3. National health policy started on :

    4 / 100

    4. In Plain area primary health centre covers an average population of:

    5 / 100

    5. Rehabilitation comes under ______ level of prevention.

    6 / 100

    6. Which of the following is not a factor for counselling?

    7 / 100

    7. In communication process the content is converted to codes is known as:

    8 / 100

    8. Which of the following is not a criteria for the selection of ASHA?

    9 / 100

    9. World Health Day is celebrated every year on :

    10 / 100

    10. Basic unit of society is:

    11 / 100

    11. Which one of the following is a one way method of communication?

    12 / 100

    12. Judicial organ of the Gram sabha is:

    13 / 100

    13. The headquarters for UNICEF is:

    14 / 100

    14. Anganwadi teacher comes under ____ scheme.

    15 / 100

    15. One anganwadi teacher covers a population of:

    16 / 100

    16. Municipal corporation is headed by:

    17 / 100

    17. The most popular and most commonly used AV Aid is:

    18 / 100

    18. Which food does not contain Vit. C?

    19 / 100

    19. Vit. B_3 deficiency results:

    20 / 100

    20. All are fat soluble vitamins except:

    21 / 100

    21. Longest cranial nerve is :

    22 / 100

    22. The temperature of water used for sponge bath of an adult person is:

    23 / 100

    23. Atmospheric air contains _____ % of oxygen.

    24 / 100

    24. The amount of bleaching powder needed to disinfection of well :

    25 / 100

    25. The test used to measure the residual chlorine after disinfection of water:

    26 / 100

    26. The normal GFR is:

    27 / 100

    27. The islets of langerhans secretes hormone:

    28 / 100

    28. The defense mechanism in which the individual tries to make excuses and justification for his behaviour is called :

    29 / 100

    29. The ECT was discovered by :

    30 / 100

    30. Split personality is otherwise called:

    31 / 100

    31. Absolute contraindication for ECT is:

    32 / 100

    32. Trust VS Mistrust occurs in which period of life:

    33 / 100

    33. In India the Mental health care act came into force from:

    34 / 100

    34. Fresh air is blown into the rooms by centrifugal fans to create a positive pressure to displace vitiated air is called:

    35 / 100

    35. The ability of an infectious agent to invade and multiply(produce infection) in a host is known as :

    36 / 100

    36. The constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographic area or
    population group is:

    37 / 100

    37. The only class of immunoglobulin which is transported across the placenta is :

    38 / 100

    38. The level of resistance of a community or group of people to a particular disease is:

    39 / 100

    39. Vaccines which must be stored in the freezer compartment are:

    40 / 100

    40. The most reliable method of physical sterilization is:

    41 / 100

    41. Pleomorphism is a characteristic feature of rash in :

    42 / 100

    42. The antituberculosis drug which causes peripheral neuropathy is:

    43 / 100

    43. Pulse polio immunization programme was launched in India in the year :

    44 / 100

    44. The causative agent of malaria is:

    45 / 100

    45. Night blindness is caused by deficiency of:

    46 / 100

    46. The position given to the patient to relieve dyspnoea is:

    47 / 100

    47. Rice water stool indicates:

    48 / 100

    48. Waste water which does not contain human excreta is called:

    49 / 100

    49. The most common fracture seen in children is:

    50 / 100

    50. Over stretching of a muscle due to a sudden effort or twisting of the part is:

    51 / 100

    51. Severe body response to an allergic substance is termed as:

    52 / 100

    52. Wounds caused by moist heat such as boiling water, hot tea, coffee and steam is:

    53 / 100

    53. Drugs which increase the flow of urine is :

    54 / 100

    54. The most commonly used muscle for intramuscular injection in children under two years is:

    55 / 100

    55. The 'rights of children' was declared by

    56 / 100

    56. The main focus of ICDS scheme is to improve the nutrition and health status under

    57 / 100

    57. Which of the following is a live attenuated vaccine?

    58 / 100

    58. Integrated management of childhood illness (IMNCI) is a new strategy developed by

    59 / 100

    59. Measles vaccine is administered at the age of

    60 / 100

    60. Weaning should be started at the age of

    61 / 100

    61. Normal average length of a newborn baby should be

    62 / 100

    62. Normally, a neonate passes urine and meconium within

    63 / 100

    63. The anterior fontanelle normally closes by

    64 / 100

    64. According to WHO, adolescence is a period of life from

    65 / 100

    65. The first sign of puberty in adolescent girls is

    66 / 100

    66. No menstrual period for more than six months is called

    67 / 100

    67. Normally, birth weight of a baby doubles by

    68 / 100

    68. What is the normal shape of female pelvic brim?

    69 / 100

    69. Which is the part of the reproductive system where fertilization takes place?

    70 / 100

    70. Umbilical cord consists of:

    71 / 100

    71. Deficiency of _____ Causes neural tube defects.

    72 / 100

    72. Average weight gain during pregnancy:

    73 / 100

    73. Effacement of cervix means:

    74 / 100

    74. Normal fetal heart rate is :

    75 / 100

    75. Uterus is palpable at how many weeks of gestation:

    76 / 100

    76. Normal labour is otherwise known as:

    77 / 100

    77. A surgical incision into the perineum to enlarge the outlet:

    78 / 100

    78. Fine downy hair on shoulder and back of newborn is

    79 / 100

    79. Vaginal discharge during puerperium:

    80 / 100

    80. Hydatidiform mole is otherwise known as:

    81 / 100

    81. In twin pregnancy division occurs after the development of embryonic disc:

    82 / 100

    82. Newborn before 37 weeks gestation:

    83 / 100

    83. Occiput posteriorly over right sacroiliac joint:

    84 / 100

    84. The capacity of a couple to conceive:

    85 / 100

    85. The woman start taking birth control pills on about day _____ of cycle.

    86 / 100

    86. What does census provide us?

    87 / 100

    87. HIV can be spread through infected persons

    88 / 100

    88. Which is the most common STI caused by Bacteria?

    89 / 100

    89. A woman is considered to be in menopause after she has missed _____ menstrual cycles.

    90 / 100

    90. Which strategies help women become more socially and economically empowered?

    91 / 100

    91. Organogenesis is complete at:

    92 / 100

    92. World breastfeeding week is :

    93 / 100

    93. Total Bishops score is :

    94 / 100

    94. There are _____ fontenells in fetal skull.

    95 / 100

    95. JSSK launched in India on

    96 / 100

    96. Which is the peripheral unit available at village level to take care of health needs of the Community?

    97 / 100

    97. Committee gave the concept of primary health centre:

    98 / 100

    98. Which is the executive organ of the Gram Sabha?

    99 / 100

    99. National mental health program was launched during which five year plan?

    100 / 100

    100. Stock of goods known as:

    Junior Public Health Nurse (106/2021)

    5/5 (1 Review)

    Kerala PSC Junior Public Health Nurse Exam 2021 mock test Kerala PSC Junior Public Health Nurse Exam Mock Test 2021 All Kerala· Practice Previous Question Papers Based Mock Test 2021

    5/5 (1 Review)

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