Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade II – Ayurvedha (69/2016) Mock Test

    Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade II – Ayurvedha (69/2016) Mock Test

    The maximum mark of the exam is 100. Each question carries a +1 mark and there is a negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer. The duration of the exam is 75 minutes. After this time your attended Exam answers submitted automatically whether you’re finished or not. The countdown timer in the top of the screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination.


    The duration of the exam is 75 minutes.

    Staff Nurse Grade II (69/2016)

    1 / 100

    1. Editor of Daily Madras standard

    2 / 100

    2. Keralopakari was published

    3 / 100

    3. The article Smaranamadhuri was written by

    4 / 100

    4. The Problem of the Rupee: Origin and Solution is a work of

    5 / 100

    5. The Objective Resolution was moved by Nehru on

    6 / 100

    6. Who wrote the poem Keralam?

    7 / 100

    7. Mariyamma Nadakam

    8 / 100

    8. Name the leader of Samyuktha Rashtreeya Sabha Agitation

    9 / 100

    9. The first women member in the Kochin Legislative assembly

    10 / 100

    10. Which article of Indian constitution provisions the joint session of the Parliament?

    11 / 100

    11. Lakkadavala Committee is related to

    12 / 100

    12. In which year Tamilnadu Introduced the Right to Information Act?

    13 / 100

    13. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme introduced in Kerala.

    14 / 100

    14. The author of the book Speaker Rules

    15 / 100

    15. Father of Indian Library Science

    16 / 100

    16. Article 371(i) a special provision is given to the state of

    17 / 100

    17. Sandishtavati was published in

    18 / 100

    18. Kalyanadayini Sabha

    19 / 100

    19. In which year 'Lokamanyan' was published?

    20 / 100

    20. Which district of Kerala started the Mobile Court?

    21 / 100

    21. International nurses day is observed on

    22 / 100

    22. Which among the following is not regarded as a vital sign?

    23 / 100

    23. Which among the following is an instrument used for measuring specific gravity of urine?

    24 / 100

    24. Name the test for detection of urine sugar

    25 / 100

    25. Nasal feeding may be Indicated in

    26 / 100

    26. Stiffening of the body after death is called

    27 / 100

    27. The smallest bone in the body is

    28 / 100

    28. Average time duration for placing the clinical thermometer for recording body temperature orally

    29 / 100

    29. Which among the following is the last sense to leave the dying body?

    30 / 100

    30. Normal ESR value by Westergren's method in males

    31 / 100

    31. Most common complication in the usage of IUCD is

    32 / 100

    32. Which among the following does not belong to Ashtanga yoga?

    33 / 100

    33. Which among the following is known as the "King of Asanas"?

    34 / 100

    34. The proportion of dravya and drava in the mantha as per Sarngadhara

    35 / 100

    35. Generally the Kriyakarma, 'Tala' is done for a time period of

    36 / 100

    36. All among the following food substances are advised to be taken as daily routine except

    37 / 100

    37. The disease declared as eradicated by WHO is

    38 / 100

    38. Which among the following vaccination is given to the new born baby at the time of birth?

    39 / 100

    39. Which among the following is the laboratory test done for the detection of AIDS?

    40 / 100

    40. Chicken pox is caused by

    41 / 100

    41. Which among the following disease is caused by a virus?

    42 / 100

    42. Which among the following is the first National Health Programme launched?

    43 / 100

    43. Sabin vaccine is given in the immunization of

    44 / 100

    44. Which of the following is a fungal disease?

    45 / 100

    45. Which among the following is not a 'barrier method' in family planning?

    46 / 100

    46. Disinfectant action of sunlight is due to

    47 / 100

    47. All of the following are live vaccines except

    48 / 100

    48. New vaccine which has been included in WHO immunization schedule

    49 / 100

    49. Types of rasayana prayoga mentioned by Vagbhata

    50 / 100

    50. Lasuna rasayana prayoga is contraindicated in

    51 / 100

    51. Number of pulmonary veins is

    52 / 100

    52. Pacemaker of the heart is

    53 / 100

    53. Nasya is indicated in morning during

    54 / 100

    54. Urine is yellow due to the presence of _____ pigment.

    55 / 100

    55. Centre in the brain which regulates respiration and cardio vascular activities

    56 / 100

    56. Maintenance of posture and equilibrium is the function of

    57 / 100

    57. Adhishtana for swasa roga as per Vaghbata is

    58 / 100

    58. Embedded in the eyelids are

    59 / 100

    59. Maximum limit up to which rakta can be expelled in raktamosha

    60 / 100

    60. All panchakarmas are contra indicated in

    61 / 100

    61. Proper functioning of indriyas is under the control of

    62 / 100

    62. The food which is given for doshotklesha before vamana

    63 / 100

    63. The anti insulin hormone is

    64 / 100

    64. After panchakarma, 'parihara kala' is ____ times to the time taken for panchakarma.

    65 / 100

    65. The most powerful fat digesting enzyme in the body

    66 / 100

    66. Main utility of Chikitsa is

    67 / 100

    67. Anuvasana can be given on _____ day of virechana as per Charaka.

    68 / 100

    68. Among the pancha kashaya kalpana, most potential is

    69 / 100

    69. Snehavasthi is done at the end of the day in

    70 / 100

    70. Quantity of drug In kashayavasthi

    71 / 100

    71. Vastidravya should be expelled out in snehavasthi within

    72 / 100

    72. Snehapaka for abhyanga and vasthi as per Charaka are respectively

    73 / 100

    73. Alpasveda is indicated over

    74 / 100

    74. In Krurakoshta, achapana is indicated for _____ days.

    75 / 100

    75. Ghrita is given in pithaja vikaras at

    76 / 100

    76. Abhyanga is contra indicated in

    77 / 100

    77. Maximum sareerabala is in

    78 / 100

    78. The best samana oushadha for vatha

    79 / 100

    79. Which doshakopa causes teekshnagni?

    80 / 100

    80. Type of snehapana Indicated in visha

    81 / 100

    81. The time period mentioned for sirovasthi in swastha is _____ matra.

    82 / 100

    82. Which of the following is Indicated for Gandusha as dinacharya?

    83 / 100

    83. Oushadhakala for chardi

    84 / 100

    84. Which among the following is not a bahiparimarjana chikitsa?

    85 / 100

    85. which among the following is a type of anagnisweda?

    86 / 100

    86. Marma-sandhi samasrita roga is

    87 / 100

    87. Vamana is Indicated mainly in which doshakopa

    88 / 100

    88. "Agrya Chikitsa" among the following is

    89 / 100

    89. Yojana krama of dravya in niruha is

    90 / 100

    90. Type of vasti which can be administered after taking food is

    91 / 100

    91. Sleep during day time is indicated in ___ ritu.

    92 / 100

    92. Netranga gourava is seen in

    93 / 100

    93. First kriyakrama prescribed in eye diseases is

    94 / 100

    94. Souveeranjana is prescribed

    95 / 100

    95. Best dravya indicated for vamana as per Vaghbhata

    96 / 100

    96. Total number of marmas mentioned by Vaghbhata is

    97 / 100

    97. Best murdha taila mentioned by Vaghbhata is

    98 / 100

    98. The hormone antagonist to calcitonin

    99 / 100

    99. Agnimandya is specifically mentioned as the main cause of

    100 / 100

    100. Trayo upastambas are

    Staff Nurse Grade II (69/2016)

    5/5 (1 Review)

    Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Exam 2016 mock test Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Exam Mock Test 2016 All Kerala· Practice Previous Question Papers Based Mock Test 2016

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